Monday, May 7, 2012

100th Anniversary - Guest Blog: Farmer

Thank you to our guest blogger, Twan Farmer, for her thoughts and Girl Scout story. Twan was also our first winner of our Facebook Giveaway 'Cookie Connection'!  She is extremely passionate about Girl Scouts and was a long time member of Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa Western Illinois.

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Twan Farmer (left) with
camp counselors/friends
When I was eleven years old I sat at the top of what seemed like a huge cliff looking over the edge. Suddenly it didn't matter that I had a harness on or that I had practiced this so many times before, it looked like I was about to step off the edge of the earth. As I sat there thinking of every bad thing that might happen if I slid those few feet to my left, I heard a voice telling me, "It's okay, if you don't want to do it you don't have to. We aren't going to make you do anything you don't feel comfortable with, but we want you to know that if you decide to go we won't let anything happen to you.  And we wouldn't let you do anything you weren't ready for.  It's your choice but remember there is nothing we haven't prepared you for, nothing you can't do if you try." It still took a few minutes after that, but thanks to those words from my counselor and the encouragement of my fellow campers, I went over the edge and rappelled down just like we had practiced at camp. And it is because of those words and all the other lessons I learned through Girl Scouts and Camp Conestoga that I’ve become the person I am today.

I am incredibly grateful to Girl Scouts for making me feel prepared throughout my life. In high school I was getting a ride home from a friend and we came out to a flat tire, no problem, I took a car care workshop to earn my Auto Maintenance Interest Project Patch.

When I was looking for a college, I wasn’t nervous about living in a dorm because I had gone to camp every year and I figured if I could live in a tent with strangers I could handle a dorm room. I also ended up choosing my college (Agnes Scott College in Decatur, GA) because after narrowing down my list of schools to two that had the program I wanted and looked like places I would thrive, I saw that Agnes had a Campus Girl Scout program and the choice was simple. When I was there, on my own for the first time, halfway across the country from everyone I knew, I used the skills I had learned at camp and on my Wider-Op to meet lots of different people. I managed my money well because I learned those skills earning Try-Its and badges and IPPs. And at the end of my first year I applied to be a Resident Advisor figuring my CIT and counselor experience would serve me well. I was right and found myself loving the first year dorms where I got to do lots of get-to-know each other activities and help girls adjusting to life away from home for the first time.

After college I moved all over trying different things, and while each time was nerve-wracking I knew I would be okay because I had the skills I needed to be successful in almost anything I tried. Even when I didn’t know how to do something specific at a job or in general, I had the skills to find the information I needed or to interact with the person I needed to ask. I took the leadership skills I learned while earning my various Leadership Awards and used them to be promoted at almost every job I’ve ever had. I have been a Trainer at almost every job because I have shown that I not only know how to excel at my position, but that I can try many and varied ways of teaching skills in order to help others learn different things - all skills learned throughout my time with Girl Scouts.

And while it has taken me a bit of time to decide what I want to be when I grow up, I have never felt completely lost because I know that I have numerous invaluable skills that I can use to get me through almost ANY situation in life. I am currently using those skills to save money to get my Masters in Library and Information Science, I plan to focus in Children’s and Teen Services where I hope I can help lots of future Girl Scouts earn their patches.

But the thing I am most grateful for from my time in Girl Scouts is the feeling of family. I am an only child and both of my parents are only children. I never knew what it was like to be surrounded by aunts and uncles and cousins or siblings. But when I went to Girl Scout meetings or workshops or Camp Conestoga, I understood what that meant. Even now, as an adult, I find myself turning to my CIT counselor for advice (Hi Quibs!) or messaging fellow counselors or Girl Scouts when I see something that reminds me of one of our adventures. I keep up with almost all of my former CITs and feel like a proud mama duck watching her ducklings become full-grown. I feel honored to have played even a tiny role in their lives. The best thing is feeling so unconditionally loved by all of the people I have encountered no matter how long it has been since we’ve seen each other. I will never be able to thank Girl Scouts enough for giving me such a huge worldwide family, but I will do my best to give back to that family in any and every way I personally can for the rest of my life because I wouldn’t be who I am today without them.

- Twan Farmer

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